Jamuna Oehlmann
Executive Director
Jamuna Oehlmann serves as the Executive Director of the German Council on Preventing Extremism (BAG RelEx) and has been leading the project “Alliance for Islamism Prevention and Democracy Promotion” since January 2024. From 2020 until the end of 2024, Jamuna coordinated the Competence Network “Islamist Extremism” (KN:IX). With degrees from Berlin, Bangkok and London, she has an academic background in Asian Studies, International Relations and Diplomacy. Her studies focused particularly on international security and terrorism issues.
Jamuna’s expertise includes the landscape of actors in prevention and democracy promotion in Germany, as well as the impact of global and digital developments on radicalization. She is passionate about promoting the prevention of Islamist extremism and advises policymakers on these matters.
Key Areas of Expertise
- Local and international networking in the field of prevention and Islamism
- Representation of the interests of BAG RelEx member organizations
- Analysis of current trends and dynamics in Islamist extremism

Rüdiger José Hamm
Head of Political Education and Research
Rüdiger José Hamm serves as the Head of Political Education and Research at BAG RelEx. He holds a degree in Political Science from the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science at Freie Universität Berlin and has been active in political education since 2003. His academic expertise includes racism and antisemitism, with a particular focus on identity constructions, self-perception, and external perceptions of individuals with bi- and multiethnic backgrounds. He has also researched intersections and differences between racist discrimination and antisemitism.
Rüdiger has led educational and advisory projects since 2003, facilitated workshops and seminars, and conducted evaluations of civil society initiatives in the fields of anti-racism, antisemitism, diversity, and extremism prevention. He is a certified Diversity and Anti-Bias trainer. Additionally, he has taught at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin, the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences, and Freie Universität Berlin, focusing on social work, diversity studies, and intercultural communication.

Key Areas of Expertise
- Universal and Primary Prevention
- Anti-Racism
- Antisemitism
Frederik Braune
Project Officer
Frederik Braune Frederik Braune has been with BAG RelEx since July 2023. He studied International Emergency and Disaster Relief at the Akkon University of Human Sciences and is currently pursuing a degree in Social Work at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Prior to joining BAG RelEx, he worked for several years in homeless assistance at a Berlin-based addiction support organization.
At BAG RelEx, Frederik works primarily in public relations and is responsible for the newsletters of BAG RelEx and the Competence Network “Islamist Extremism” (KN:IX). Additionally, he is involved in the planning and implementation of various events and publications, such as the journal Ligante.
Key Areas of Expertise
- Social media and radicalization
- Primary prevention in the context of school-based and extracurricular education

Sandy Dost
Financial Administration and Event Management
Sandy Dost has been an administrative staff member at BAG RelEx since 2020. Originally trained in the hospitality industry, she became a certified business economist in 2017. Following her studies, she worked in the administration of a Protestant foundation. Since 2020, she has also been a volunteer board member of the Friends Association of Friedrichshagen Primary School.
At BAG RelEx, Sandy is responsible for event and office management and oversees financial administration and financial controlling.

Key Areas of Expertise
- Financial Controlling and Accounting
- Event Management
- Office Management
- Administration
Miriam Katharina Heß
Advisor for International Cooperation and Counter Terrorism Analysis
Miriam Katharina Heß has been an Advisor for International Cooperation and Counter-Terrorism Analysis at BAG RelEx since 2025. Until December 2024, she was serving as an Expert on Religiously Motivated Extremism at BAG RelEx. She studied National and International Administration and Policy at the University of Potsdam, as well as Political Science at the University of Hamburg. Currently, she is pursuing her PhD at the University of Leipzig, where she examines the security rhetoric surrounding terrorism in the context of securitization in Germany.
She is an Associate Fellow at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) and a member of the Working Group on “Internal Security and Terrorism” at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Since October 2023, she has been facilitating workshops on democracy and antisemitism with Zeitgeist e. V. From January 2022 to May 2023, she served as a Research Fellow in the Security and Defense Program at DGAP, where she led the project “Islamist Radicalization and Extremism in Europe’s Chechen Community.” Previously, she worked on the project “Analysis of Trends and Developments in the Tertiary Prevention of Islamist Extremism.”
At BAG RelEx, Miriam is responsible for international networking and cooperation and is coordinating the areas of knowledge transfer and international advocacy. She also analyzes current trends and developments in national and international counter-terrorism efforts.
Key Areas of Expertise
- Analysis of trends in the field of Islamist extremism and terrorism
- Counter terrorism analysis
- National and international actors in the (tertiary) prevention of Islamist extremism

Ulrike Hoole
Referentin für religiös begründeten Extremismus
Ulrike Hoole Ulrike Hoole has been working as Expert on Religiously Motivated Extremism at BAG RelEx since 2021. She studied Arabic and International Relations (BA), Middle East Politics (MSc), and Islamic Studies (MA) in Leeds, Cairo, London, and Berlin. Her academic focus was on Islamic political ideologies and Islamist organizations in the MENA region.
She is a certified Systemic Counselor (DGSF) and has practical experience in counseling young people with refugee backgrounds and in primary prevention of Islamist extremism in schools.
At BAG RelEx, Ulrike is responsible for organizing the specialist conference as well as other internal and public event formats, the journal Ligante. Fachdebatten aus der Präventionsarbeit, and, together with Charlotte Leikert, the podcast.

Key Areas of Expertise
- Universal and Primary Prevention in School Contexts
- Discrimination-Sensitive Radicalization Prevention
- Islamist Organizations in the MENA Region
Charlotte Leikert
Advisor and Public Relations
Charlotte Leikert is Advisor at BAG RelEx and responsible for its Press and Public Relations since 2020. She studied Communication Science and Psychology (BA) in Jena and Nice, and completed a Master’s degree with a focus on political communication at Freie Universität Berlin. The implications of digitalization for extremist actors are among her areas of interest, which she has explored both during her studies and in her work at BAG RelEx. Her comparative analysis of the framing of the Identitarian Movement and Generation Islam was published in the KN:IX Report 2023.
In addition to her press and public relations work, Charlotte is also responsible for internal and public event formats at BAG RelEx and co-hosts the podcast KN:IX talks together with Ulrike Hoole.
Key Areas of Expertise
- Radicalization and Social Media, Prevention in the Digital Space
- Comparative Perspective on Islamist and Right-Wing Extremist Groups
- Civil Society Radicalization Prevention in Germany

Ivo Lisitzki
Advisor for Politics and European Networking
Ivo Lisitzki has been an Advisor for Policy and European Networking at BAG RelEx since 2025. Until December 2024, he was serving as an Expert on Religiously Motivated Extremism at BAG RelEx. He studied Political Management (BA) and International Relations Middle East (MA) in Bremen, Istanbul, and Durham. Following his studies, he primarily worked on religiously motivated extremism in the context of criminal justice, probation services, and reintegration into society at the Senator for Justice and Constitution in Bremen, where he also published his findings. Additionally, Ivo has contributed to various European projects focusing on radicalization, risk assessment, and evaluation.
At BAG RelEx, Ivo’s focus, in addition to the work in the field of religiously motivated extremism, is primarily on networking and coordinating projects within the European context, as well as representing interests in politics and administration.

Key Areas of Expertise
- Radicalization and the Criminal Justice System
- Radicalization Prevention in the European Context
- European Project Landscape and Networking
Board of the BAG RelEx

Karin Meißner
Board Member
Projectmanagement of Yallah! Counselling and Prevention on Islamism and anti-Muslim racism FITT gGmbH